Can Dogs Eat Apple Pie? Everything You Need to Know

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The soothing fragrance of apple pie makes anybody’s mouth water. As a pet owner, you might wonder whether your furry companion can participate in this delectable treat. The prospect of feeding a piece to your dog can be enticing, yet it raises a significant issue: Can dogs have apple pie?

When considering apple pie, it is vital to investigate the expected dangers and considerations before offering this dessert. In this blog, we’ll discuss the ingredients and variables to consider for your four-legged companion. Thus, we should set out on this culinary experience to see whether apple pie can be a safe and delicious treat for your dog.

Do Dogs Love to Eat Apple Pie? 

Feeding your pet’s apple pie isn’t suggested, and here’s the reason. While apples are safe for dogs in small amounts, apple pie contains a few components that can be unsafe for them. Most pies are made with margarine, which is high in fat and can cause digestive issues, including pancreatitis, in dogs.

Furthermore, numerous apple pie recipes incorporate added sugar, which can lead to obesity and dental problems in pets. The filling of apple pies frequently contains flavors like cinnamon and nutmeg, which, when consumed in greater amounts, can be poisonous to dogs and lead to side effects like gas bloating, nausea, GI uneasiness, and CNS issues.

Read more: Can Dogs Eat Squid?

Besides, the pie might contain raisins, which harm dogs and can cause kidney issues. A few recipes require the addition of liquor, which is unsuitable for pets. If you desire to impart apples to your dog, it is ideal to do so in a controlled way.

Counsel your veterinarian before bringing new food into your pet’s diet to ensure their security and prosperity. Regarding apple pie, it is more shrewd to enjoy it yourself and pick a different, dog-friendly treat to reward your furry companion.

What Happens If My Dog Eat Apple Pie?

Can dogs have apple pie filling? Apples themselves are thought to be okay for dogs with some restraint. However, the issue with feeding a small piece of apple pie lies in the extra components and preparation methods. How about we investigate why apples are protected while apple pie isn’t suggested for pets?

1. Sugar Content

Apples are a sugar and dietary fiber source when given in limited quantities and without seeds or centers. Dogs can securely participate in a periodic apple cut as a treat. Nonetheless, apple pie is regularly stacked with added sugars. 

The sugar content in pies can lead to unfortunate spikes in a dog’s glucose levels. Over the long haul, sugar utilization might add to weight, dental issues, and even diabetes.

2. Fat Substance

The baked good hull of apple pie, made with spread or shortening, is rich in fat. High-fat food sources can be complex for dogs and may cause gastrointestinal trouble. Pies are higher in fat than plain apples, which can overwhelm a pet’s pancreas and possibly bring about pancreatitis, a complex and extreme condition.

3. Flavors and Seasonings

Numerous apple pie recipes incorporate flavors like cinnamon and nutmeg for some zing. While these flavors are safe for dogs in tiny amounts. Cinnamon and nutmeg, when consumed in larger quantities, can be poisonous to dogs and lead to side effects like spewing the runs and focal sensory system issues.

4. Raisins and Nuts

Some apple pie recipes incorporate raisins and nuts, which can poison pets. Even in modest quantities, raisins can cause kidney disappointment, while specific nuts, like pecans and macadamia nuts, are unsafe for dogs. Accidental ingestion of these components can have severe side effects on your pet.

The same adverse effects are associated with mince pies for dogs, another favorite pie that pet owners offer their dogs. 

5. Alcohol

In certain varieties of apple pies, alcohol is added for some characters. Alcohol is harmful to dogs and can lead to side effects, going from incoordination and sadness to more severe nervous issues. Indeed, even a limited quantity of alcohol can be hurtful.

6. Caloric Thickness

Apple pie is calorie-thick because of the additional sugar and fat substance. Unhealthy food sources can add extreme calories to pets, possibly leading to weight gain and fatness. 

7. More Risk of Pancreatitis

The rich, greasy outside and sweet filling of apple pie increases the hazard of pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis is a complex and severe irritation of the pancreas. It can result from the ingestion of high-fat food and lead to extreme stomach agony, heaving, and other troubling side effects.

8. Unhealthy Dietary Habits

Acquainting dogs with high-sugar, high-fat human food sources like apple pies can develop unhealthy dietary patterns. Dogs might become familiar with sweet, calorie-thick treats and foster an inclination for these over their standard, which leads to problems. It can be a challenge to keep a suitable diet for your pet.

9. Dental Well-Being

Apple pie’s additional sugars can add to dental issues in pets. Dogs that eat sweet food are in danger of gum illness and other oral medical problems. The sweet nature of pie filling can cause plaque development and harm your dog’s teeth and gums.

10. Refined Components

Apple pie recipes frequently contain refined components, like fine flour and sugars. These handled ingredients offer minimal dietary benefits for dogs. These components can cause more trouble for pets to process and may upset the digestive system.

11. Possible Allergens

A few pets might have allergies or sensitivity to apple pies’ ingredients, such as wheat in the cake’s outside layer. Hypersensitive responses can appear as tingling, skin issues, digestive issues, or other side effects for your dog.

12. Portion Control 

Apple pie is a pastry implied for people and is commonly served in unsatisfactory sizes for dogs. Dogs don’t comprehend portion control and may indulge whenever they can. It can bring about excessive calorie utilization and potential medical problems.

Also read: Why Shouldn’t You Give Ramen Noodles to Your Dog

Can dogs have apple pie crust? If you plan to get your pet some apple pie crust goodness, consider setting up a dog-disposed deal with homemade apple dog bread rolls. These can be made without added sugars and unsafe ingredients. Consult your veterinarian for directions on what treats are appropriate for your dog.

What to Do If My Dog Ingest a Higher Amount of Apple Pie?

Can dogs have apple pie filling? If your pet has incidentally consumed a lot of apple pies, it is critical to find the safety measures to guarantee their prosperity.

1. Investigate the Condition

In the first place, survey what is going on and attempt to decide the amount and components your dog ingested. This data will be significant while looking for guidance from your veterinarian.

2. Contact Your Veterinarian

Contact your veterinarian or a crisis pet toxin hotline. Give them insights concerning the pie components, the amount consumed, and your dog’s size and breed. They can offer direction in light of this data.

3. Try Not to Induce Vomiting

Try only to endeavor to lead to spewing in your dog if explicitly trained to do so by your veterinarian or an expert. Similar to specific flavors, a few substances can be more harmful whenever fed in this condition.

4. Screen for Side Effects

Watch out for your pet for any indications of misery, like heaving, the runs, unnecessary slobbering, nausea, or laziness. Be ready to give this data to your veterinarian.

5. Heed Veterinary Direction

Adhere to any directions your veterinarian gives, which might incorporate checking your dog’s essential bodily functions or getting them for an assessment and treatment if vital.

6. Prevent Future Mishaps

To forestall future mishaps, ensure that harmful food varieties like apple pies are kept out of your dog’s compass. Be watchful about sanitation, and consider box preparing or restricting your pet during dinner times if necessary.

Remember that early mediation and expert direction are critical when a pet ingests something unsafe. Apple pie contains different ingredients, some of which can be harmful or lead to digestive issues in pets. By acting instantly and looking for veterinary help, you can help limit potential health hazards and guarantee the ideal result for your furry companion.

How Do I Add Apples to My Dog Diet Adequately?

Adding apples to your dog’s diet can be a solid and tasty option if done safely and pet-friendly. It is the way to integrate apples into your pet’s diet.

1. Wash Apples

Begin by thoroughly washing the apples to eliminate any pesticides or foreign substances. Continuously strip the apple to eradicate the skin, as it tends to be hard for pets to process and may cause digestive upset. Eliminate the seeds and center, as apple seeds contain cyanide, which causes poisoning dogs.

2. Cut or Dice Apples

Cut the apple into little pieces that are simple for your dog to bite and swallow. Guarantee the pieces are a fitting size for your dog’s age and size.

3. Control is Critical

Apples ought to be given to your pet with some restraint. As a basic rule, a couple of little apple cuts are adequate for intermittent treatment or expansion to their regular diet. Avoid overloading, as excessive organic products can cause digestive issues.

4. Blend in with Standard Food

You can blend the apple pieces with your pet’s customary food. It changes their diet while giving essential supplements.

5. Use as Occasional Treats

Apples can likewise be utilized as occasional treats. Cut them into little pieces and use them as a reward during instructional courses. It is a method for keeping your dog attentive and roused.

6. Frozen Apple Treats

In a blistering climate, consider freezing little apple pieces. Frozen apples can be a refreshing and cooling treat for your dog.

7. Avoid Flavors and Seasonings

While imparting apples to your dog, guarantee they are plain and liberated from added components like sugar, salt, or flavors. These added substances can be harmful to your pet.

8. Screen For Sensitivities

While apples are safe for pets, screen your pet for any indication of sensitivities or awareness. A few dogs might have unfavorable responses to new food varieties, so begin with limited quantities and see how they respond.

9. Counsel Your Veterinarian

If you worry about adding apples to your dog’s diet or want to address dietary requirements or sensitivities, talk with your veterinarian. They can offer directions customized to your pet’s singular prerequisites.

Can dogs have pineapple? Yes, pineapple is safe for dogs in moderation. Remember that while pineapple can enrich your pet’s diet with nutrients and deliciousness, it should not be a substitute for their standard pet food. 

With legitimate control, you can securely acquaint a part of an apple with your dog’s dinners and treats, improving their diet with a nutritious and pleasant choice.

Dog’s Most Loved Apple Pie Recipe

Here is a dog-accommodating apple pie recipe that your furry companion will appreciate. This recipe excludes the harmful ingredients found in apple pies and gives your pet buddy a sound option.


  • 2 cups entire wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened fruit purée
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 apples, stripped, cored, and hacked into little pieces (guarantee no seeds)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup moved oats


  • Preheat your stove to 350°F (175°C).
  • Add the wheat flour, unsweetened fruit purée, and water in a blending bowl. Blend until a mixture is formed.
  • Carry out the batter on a floured surface to accommodate your pie dish. Try to make a strong base and sides for your pie.
  • Consolidate the slashed apples, ground cinnamon, ginger, and water in a pan. Cook over low to medium intensity, blending at times, until the apples soften and the combination thickens (around 10-15 minutes).
  • Empty the apple filling into the pre-arranged pie hull, spreading it uniformly.
  • Sprinkle the turned oats over the apple filling, making a light and sound fix.
  • Place the pie in the preheated broiler and heat for around 20-25 minutes or until the outside is brilliant brown.
  • Allow the pie to cool before serving it to your pet.
  • Cut a little, dog-estimated cut of the pie and serve it as an infrequent treat to your furry companion. Make sure to change segment sizes as indicated by your dog’s size and dietary requirements.

This pet-friendly apple pie is safe for imparting the flavor of apples to your pet. It is liberated from unsafe components like added sugar, flavors, or dairy, making it a better pet choice. Similarly, as with any new addition to your pet’s diet, screen for unfriendly responses and counsel your veterinarian if you have worries about sensitivities or awareness.

Last Thoughts

Can dogs have apple pie? Apple pie is a seductive and tasty treat many people like, but it is not a good choice for dogs. While apples are typically healthy in moderation for dogs, the extra elements in apple pie, such as sugar, butter, spices, and a potentially toxic crust, can offer a variety of health hazards to our canine companions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is the apple pie crust safe for dogs?

A: The crust may include components hazardous to dogs, such as shortening or xylitol.

Q: Are there any dog-friendly alternatives to apple pie?

A: Yes, unsweetened apples or dog-friendly apple snacks are safer alternatives.

Q: Can dogs have apple pie with ice cream? 

A: It is better to avoid it since ice cream contains a lot of sugar and dairy, which some dogs are allergic to.

Q: Can dogs drink 100% apple juice?

A: Apple juice is critical for our canine buddies. It can prompt stomach ache, irritation, disturbed digestion, and related health issues.

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